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Presto! Color---README.DOC
Presto! Color, copyright 1993/1994 Pink Soda, Inc., P.O. Box 958,
NY, NY 10024-0541. 212 874-3581, FAX: 212 874-0578
email: Pink.Soda@tbr.com
Presto! Color
3-Pass, 24 bit COLOR SCANNING SYSTEM for Black and White Scanners.
Turns your old scanner into a Color scanner. Works with black
and white (1 bit) scans and 16/64/256 grayscale images.
Unzip all files into the same subdirectory, all files must exist
in the same subdirectory.
Type PRESTO and ENTER at the DOS prompt.
Select number 6--Presto! Color Demo/Tutorial.
Legal Stuff
Shareware Version: you are granted the rights to use Presto! Color for
personal use. You are free to distribute the Shareware version provided
that all the files are included. Vendors may offer the shareware version
in catalog sales only. For other commercial distribution, e.g., in a
book, package, or rackware, permission must be obtained from Pink Soda,
Disclaimer: Pink Soda, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind either expressed
or implied. Pink Soda, Inc. does not guarantee the merchantability or
fitness of Presto! Color nor does it guarantee that it will meet your
needs. Pink Soda, Inc. will not be liable for any errors or for incidental
or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or
use of the Presto! Color product or documentation. This document contains
proprietary information. No part of this document may be photocopied,
reproduced, or translated without the prior written consent of Pink Soda,
Scanning Tips
First, obtain 3 pieces of transparent plastic. Virtually any
transparent RED, GREEN, BLUE will produce some results. You
can obtain these at your local art supply store.
The Shareware version is calibrated to the most common red,
green, and blue "filters" available at art supply stores and
to the intensity of a HP ScanJet scanner. The registered
versions come with color-balanced filters and auto-calibration
for each image.
You my want to calibrate your "filters" before you scan. See
the section below regarding how to change the default values
set into the Shareware System. Calibrating your filters should
result in more accurate color images.
Note that the Shareware version only supports 256 grayscale
scans. Order the registered or Demo version if your scanner
does not support 256 levels.
1. Do a preview scan
Select the image area to be scanned.
Important: Set all values at default. DO NOT
ADJUST Brightness, Contrast, or other values.
DO NOT press any AUTO setting button.
2. Place your image on the scanbed.
Select a bright and colorful picture for your
first scan.
TIP: lightly tape the image to the side of the scanner
in order to keep the image from moving during the
3 scan passes.
3. Do 3 scan passes.
You will do 3 scans: one through the RED filter by
placing the red filter between the image and the
glss, one through the GREEN filter by placing the green
filter between the image and the glass, and one through
the BLUE filter by placing the blue filter between the image
and the glass. These will become the RED, GREEN,
and BLUE channels of the image.
IMPORTANT: Each scan MUST be done at exactly the same
values. They may look completely black, that's OK.
Each scan MUST be exactly the same size in pixel width
and pixel height.
Select a resolution of no more than 100dpi and
do a small scan to begin with (file size of 30k or
so). Remember, your 256 gray level scans will end
up becoming 4 times larger as color channels.
Sequentially place the RED/GREEN/BLUE filters between
the image and the scanner and scan.
4. Save your scans in GIF format.
The Shareware version accepts only GIF files as input.
Either save your scans directly in GIF format or use
a conversion utility to convert them to GIF format.
TIP: Name your scans with a consistent naming scheme. For
example MOM-R.GIF, for the red scan, MOM-G.GIF for the
Green scan, and MOM-B.GIF for the blue scan. That way
they will be easy to remember and recognize when you
are prompted for the filenames.
5. Run Presto! Color
Change to the Presto subdirectory, and type PRESTO and
press ENTER.
Select 1--Create Color Image from 16/64/256 Grayscale scans.
NOTE: The Shareware version will only work with 256 grayscale
scans. Order the Full Demo or the registered version if your
scanner does not support 256 levels or is color sensitive.
The program will prompt you for the filenames of your scans.
It will then process the scans.
NOTE: Processing time depends on processor speed, size of the image,
and memory and disk space available on your system. If you have
an older system, limited memory, or limited disk space, processing
may take a while--be patient.
When complete, you will be prompted for a filename to save
the 256 color GIF image file.
NOTE: the Shareware version will also produce a 24 bit
TARGA (TGA) file (16 million colors). This file will always
be named IMAGE.TGA and will be overwritten each time
you use Presto! Color. If you wish to save the TGA file,
exit Presto! Color and rename the IMAGE.TGA file.
To VIEW an Image File
Select 3--View at the Main Menu.
You will be prompted for a filename. The file must be in
GIF format.
Files on disk for you to view:
Calibrating Your RGB Filters
The following calibration routine will adjust for the sensitivity of your
scanner and the relative color balance between the filters you are
using. Note that color balance is also a factor the filters themselves and
the degree to which they emulate the computer's version of red, green, and
IMPORTANT: If you have the registered versions of Presto! Color, DO NOT use this
calibration routine. The registered versions automatically calibrate each
image as they are processed.
1. Scan each filter (yes, JUST the filter) against a white
background. Scan at default values. Image size of 100 x 100.
IMPORTANT: These scans MUST be in GIF format, 256 gray levels,
respectively for RED, GREEN, and BLUE.
2. Run the program CALIB.EXE.
This will read the above files and produce a histogram for
each. The X axis (the bottom horizontal figures) will contain
hexidecimal values. Find the highest column of Xs and note
the hexidecimal value below it. Write down this value for RED,
NOTE: If one or more of the histograms shows only values to
left of of 08, rescan the CALIB files and increase the
brightness (just the brightness) by 5 or 10 %. This value
must be kept the same for all 3 calibration files.
IMPORTANT, if you have to adjust the brightness in this way,
you will have to use the same brightness value when you
do your image scanning. Please write it down.
3. Look up the the values corresponding to these in the following
chart and write them down.
00=126 04=124 08=122 0C=120
10=118 14=116 18=114 1C=112
20=110 24=108 28=106 2C=104
30=102 34=100 38=98 3C=96
40=94 44=92 48=90 4C=88
50=86 54=84 58=82 5C=80
60=78 64=76 68=74 6C=72
70=70 74=68 78=66 7C=64
80=62 84=60 88=58 8C=56
90=54 94=52 98=50 9C=48
A0=46 A4=44 A8=42 AC=40
B0=38 B4=36 B8=34 BC=32
C0=30 C4=28 C8=26 CC=24
D0=22 D4=20 D8=18 DC=16
E0=14 E4=12 E8=10 EC=8
F0=6 F4=4 F8=2 FC=0
4. Edit the PR000007.SPF file.
Open the PR00007.SPF in edlin, edit, or Windows notepad or
other plain text editor.
It will Look Like This:
GL %1
D G 255 B 255
B R 118
CON R 118
GL %2
D R 255 B 255
B G 120
CON G 120
GL %3
D R 255 G 255
B B 104
CON B 104
G R .7 G .7 B .7
SM .5
TS %4 24
GS %5
IMPORTANT: Change ONLY the values noted below.
Replace the number 118 in the following lines
to the value you obtained for RED:
B R 118
CON R 118
Replace the number 120 in the following lines
to the value you obtained for GREEN:
B G 120
CON G 120
Replace the number 104 in the following lines
to the value you obtained for BLUE:
B B 104
CON B 104
Following this calibration routine will result in the most
accurate scan you can obtain from the filters you are using.
If your image is coming out too dark or black.
Your scanner may be color sensitive (usually to green or red). The shareware
version may not operate with these scanners. Try the calibration
routine outlined above or order the registered or Full Demo version.
Your scanner may not be sensitive enough. Follow the calibration
routine noted above.
If your image is coming out too red, too green, or too blue.
This will be mainly due to the RGB filters you are using. Order
either the registered version which includes 8" x 10" calibrated
RGB filters or the Full DEMO version which includes 5" x 5" samples
of the RGB filters.
Also, make sure your are typing in the correct file name at the
input prompts. For example, accidently inputting the GREEN scan
as the RED scan, the will result in very bizaare colors.
If this is the case, process the files again, and pay attention.
About the Shareware Version
I apologize that the shareware version is so limited. The reason for
this is that the Full Demo version, which I had intended to be the shareware
version, is 2M big. With the sample scans, the Full Demo version creates
a 1M ZIP file. I felt that that was too much to ask a person to
The following files constitute the shareware version and
MUST exist in the same subdirectory.
PRESTO.EXE The Presto! Color program.
PRESTOC.EXE The Presto! Color engine.
PRESTOC.INI The Presto! Color initialization file.
PR000007.SPF Data file
PR000002.SHW Data file
PRESTO.DOC User's Manual
README.DOC Quick Start and information file.
README2.DOC General Information
ORDER.DOC Order form.
Tutorial Images:
Practice Scans:
FISH-R.GIF 256 grayscale scan for RED channel.
FISH-G.GIF 256 grayscale scan for GREEN channel.
FISH-B.GIF 256 grayscale scan for BLUE channel.
Sample Images:
256 grayscale scans processed with the Presto! Color registered version:
Select 3 from the Main Menu to view:
Other Versions of Presto! Color
The DEMO version can read TIF/BMP/TGA/PCX/WPG/GIF and other formats
and will save your scans in GIF, TIF, or TGA formats. The demo
also incudes auto calibration which adjusts for color imbalance.
The registered version ($34.95) can read and write to all formats.
It also includes Gamma Correction and other features (scaling,
rotating, resizing etc.) It comes with a set of 8" x 10" color-
balanced RGB filters and a printed manual. Image size up to
640 x 480 (roughly a 6" x 4" image if printed to a standard
color printer, e.g., QMS, Iris, Canon, Kodak).
Presto! Color Pro requires a 286 or better processor (386
or better recommended) and 1M of memory (4M recommended) and
can process any size image.
Image Processing Programs
Although an image processing program is not required, it is recommended.
You can the sharewre versions of Paint Shop Pro for Windows or Image
Control for DOS from Pink Soda. Duplication fee is 5$ each. This does
not include shareware registration fee.
If you enjoyed using Presto! Color, please upload this shareware version,
PRESTOC.ZIP, to your favorite BBSs.
For each BBS you upload to, you get a $3.00 credit towards any purchase
of Pink Soda products.
When ordering, take your discount and attach a list of the BBSs you
uploaded to. Name, address, and bbs phone number MUST be included for
Mail to: Pink Soda, Inc.-- Dept. SH, P.O. Box 958, New York, NY 10024-0541.
FAX Orders: 212 874-0578 e-mail: Pink.Soda@tbr.com
Disk size: 3.5" (720k)______ 5 1/4" (1.2M)______
not available on 5 1/4" DD 360K.
Please Send Me:
Quantity Price S&H Extension
Presto!Color ________ $34.95 $2.50 _________
Presto! Color Pro ________ $99.95 $2.50 _________
Full Demo Version ________ $10.00 none _________
RGB Filters (8"x10") ________ $14.95 $1.50 _________
Flip! ________ $10.00 $1.50 _________
FLIP! full demo ________ $ 5.00 none _________
PaintShop Pro ________ $ 5.00 none _________
Image Control ________ $ 5.00 none _________
N.Y. residents please ad 8.25% Sales Tax _________
TOTAL: _________
Name: __________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Card No. _______________________________ exp. date: ___________
Print Name on Card: ____________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Phone No: _________________________
required to confirm charge orders